Five easy upgrades to add luxury to your home

Five easy upgrades to add luxury to your home

Luxury doesn't have to cost a fortune. Oftentimes, all it takes is one small renovation to make all of the difference in our homes. Add instant luxury to your home with one or a few of these easy upgrades.

Upgrade your view: A builder's guide to energy efficient window replacement

Upgrade your view: A builder's guide to energy efficient window replacement

Windows are no longer a one-stop-shop. There are hundreds of styles, functionalities and efficiencies to choose from nowadays. With such a mass selection available for home efficiency upgrades, window shopping isn’t always so crystal clear. Read our tips below to bring the outside in while saving big on your energy bill.

Choosing the right builder: A step-by-step guide

Choosing the right builder: A step-by-step guide

Outside of choosing to marry and deciding whether or not to have children, selecting a home builder might just be the next biggest decision you’ll have to make in your life. If not, it’s probably still in the top ten. So how do you choose the right builder for you? Let’s take a look.

Home improvements to sell your property fast

Home improvements to sell your property fast

Any real estate broker will tell you that spring is the best time to sell your property. Putting your property on the market after the doldrums of winter will get you the top dollar for your home and more efficiently because spring is the time when the most buyers are ready to make their move. So what are the top home improvements you should make to your home before putting yours on the real estate market? 

Make space: 4 ways to open up your space for spring

Make space: 4 ways to open up your space for spring

We all want that new granite countertop and the latest stainless steel appliances, but what can we do to give ourselves more space? Read all about our four renovation tips that will help open up your space for spring and all year long...

Three steps to pick the perfect paint

Each year, Pantone names one single color of the year. Just one. (Well, with the exception of this year when they named two–Rose Quartz and Serenity.) And whether you’re remodeling or building a new home, you feel this pressure–on a personal level–too. 

Just one color per room (maybe two, if you choose to paint an accent wall). There are more than 50 shades of gray in your local home improvement's collection. And that’s just gray! So how is it that you’re going to you decide on the perfect paint color when looking at that illuminated rainbow mirage of samples in Home Depot or Sherwin Williams? It's easier than you think! Try these three easy steps to pick the perfect paint for your room:

Build your own fire pit

What you'll need:
-Spray paint
-Landscaping stones
-Masonry adhesive
-Rubber mallet
1. Outline the bottom ring of the landscaping stones where you'd like to install your fire pit. Spray paint around the border, and remove the stones. 
2. Now you can clearly see where you need to dig. Begin to shovel the dirt/lawn out from within the circle six inches deep.
3. Once you have a solid and level circular hole, fill it with gravel so that it is level with the ground. 
4. Lay the first layer of landscaping stones along the gravel circle. Tamp the stones with the rubber mallet so that they are level with each other.
5. Place masonry adhesive on the bottom of the next landscaping stones one by one and stagger each one as you place them so that the middle of the stone aligns with the seam on the row below it. Once the second row is complete, use the rubber mallet again to create a level surface. 
6. Repeat with the third row. 
7. Invite your friends over for an outdoor get-together!