I have a dream: How to plan your own custom dream home

I have a dream: How to plan your own custom dream home

A new year has arrived and if you’re ringing it in with an addition to your family, looking for a change of scenery, hoping to downsize or upgrade, building a new custom home might just be already in the works in your mind. While dreaming about a new home is incredibly fun, the thought of planning out all of the pieces along the way can be daunting. Not to worry! That’s why we’re here. 

If you’re even considering building a new custom home, there’s a method to the madness. Use these five steps to help you plan your dream home...

I'll be Home (of Distinction) for Christmas: Our merry makeover that made the magazine

I'll be Home (of Distinction) for Christmas: Our merry makeover that made the magazine

If walls could talk, this 1941 home would have more than a tale or two to tell. That's why we're grateful for Wrightsville Beach Magazine naming our historic beach renovation project December's Home of Distinction. What a wonderful way to end the year!

8 ways to remodel your kitchen on a budget

8 ways to remodel your kitchen on a budget

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and with the guest list piling high it's easy to start thinking about all of the things you need and want to replace or renovate in the kitchen. It's the heart of your home and so it is important to make this space where we gather together a sacred one. 

If you're looking to remodel your kitchen on a budget and before the turkey hits the table, try just one or a few of our eight cheap and easy kitchen remodeling suggestions. We're sure they'll make all the difference...

Treat yourself: Tricks to buying and restoring an old home

Treat yourself: Tricks to buying and restoring an old home

Building a new home from the ground up is certainly the easiest way to buy your dream home but you can't build history. While there are plenty of ways to fabricate a rustic look, if you're settled on a piece of property in which a home already exists or if you're into the idea of working with an existing home, treat yourself to our tricks to restoring an old home.

Preparing your home for a hurricane: What to do before, during & after Irma

Preparing your home for a hurricane: What to do before, during & after Irma

Whether Irma hits North Carolina's coast or not, hurricane season is here to stay through November 30, so it's better late than never to be prepared. Take a quick look at our hurricane preparedness list to see what you should do to prepare your home before, during & after Hurricane Irma makes landfall. 

2017 Homes: A look at what's trending

2017 Homes: A look at what's trending

Summer has already come and gone but before the year is done, let's take a look at some of the custom home trends we've seen in 2017. You might just get a few ideas for your next renovation project or custom home build!

Office spaces: Building a room you can work with

Office spaces: Building a room you can work with

It's August and although summer's been a blast, it's just about time to send the kids back to school. What does that mean for you? It's time to get ready to knock it into full gear. And how is it you're supposed to do that without a proper home office? We know!

Take a little advice from us (yes, we have a home office too!) on how to transform your work space into a room that really works for your work.

DIY: Build your own privacy screen

DIY: Build your own privacy screen

Hello, neighbor! Nice seeing you... Or is it not so nice to see them? We all need a little privacy. It's not that we don't like our neighbors. We just need a little space. 

Many of our homes are built close together or are set at just the right angle that it makes that space thing a little tough to come by. So why not take the weekend to tackle a little DIY project and build your own privacy screen? Here's how...